My Luck Changed
Bela Feketekuty

ISBN: 978-0-9840024-1-2

She was hot
A smart engineer
during the day
A sex kitten
at night

She was on fire
She said that she loved me
She said that I was her man

We met at the IT seminar
I asked her about lunch
and she said no

But my luck changed
We laughed and talked
when we missed
our planes

E-mails and phone calls
Dinners and movies

She liked
my off beat humor
She accepted
my diamond necklace
I was singing
in the clouds

There was no sign
no warning
Just a phone call
She told me
not to call her
She met
another man

I ripped her
red blouse
into small pieces
But I still remembered
that we used
to dance
late into the night
She was lots of fun

But now she has fun
with another man
Is he strong?
Is he rich?
Is he a jerk?
I don't want
to know

Work and money
Money and work
Nothing else left


All contents are copyright. © 2010 Bela Feketekuty
All rights reserved.
You have to give visible credit in large print to the author, Bela Feketekuty,
if any part of this story is reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise.

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